


Thursday, December 31, 2015


Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli
Actress Anushka Sharma and Indian Skipper Virat Kohli have been dating each other for a while. They have often been spotted spending some quality time together. With New Year just three days away, both were seen taking off for their vacations. The couple looked all excited about their vacation.
While Virat was dressed casually in white pant, maroon t shirt and white shoes, Anushka looked elegant in black trousers and white t- shirt with slippons. The two got off from their cars and headed straight inside the airport.
While we wish them happy holidays, tell us about your favourite Bollywood couple.

Nandish-Rashami divorce: Is former Miss India Ankita Shorey the reason?

TV couple Nandish Sandhu and Rashami Desai recently shocked the telly world with the revelation of their divorce proceedings. While it looked like the couple were struggling in their marriage for quite some time now over several issues, it is now being said that the real reason behind their final split is Nandish’s closeness to a former beauty queen Ankita Shorey. Also read: Nandish Sandhu and Rashami Desai file for divorce.
According to, Nandish’s affair with Miss India International 2011 Ankita Shorey pushed Rashami to divorce Nandish. The website quoted an insider as saying, “Ankita Shorey, the famous Femina Miss India International 2011 is the new lady who is all cozy with Nandish. The two of them have been regularly spotted at social gatherings and events. This relationship outside marriage has really pulled the curtains down for Nandish when it comes to his marital life with Rashami. As soon as Rashami got to know of this, she decided to part ways. And this time, Nandish too obliged by going ahead with the divorce proceedings.”
The couple, who separated in 2013, got back together last year to give their marriage another shot, but Nandish’s affair with Ankita pushed Rashami to end the relationship for good. However, Nandish’s friends attribute the split to Rashami’s possessiveness for him.
On Nach Baliye 7, the couple openly discussed their marital problems. From talking about the bad patch in their marriage to Rashami’s miscarriage, they revealed a lot. They also admitted that the show helped them analyse their past mistakes and rediscover each other.


Kareena Kapoor Khan and Arjun Kapoor
Get ready to expect the unexpected as R Balki’s movie ‘Ki and Ka’ is leaving no stone unturned to mesmerize the audience either with is intriguing narration or unique storyline. The film which has Bollywood actors Arjun Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan will release the first look on the first day of the New year.
Apart from its ‘hatke’ starcast, the film promises of a spell bounding narration and the first look of the film is set to come out on the first day of the New Year. The film’s DOP PC Sreeram shared some information on the twitter regarding the first look. He said, “The behind the camera stars to feature in this first look to be launched 1.1.2016. This will be the very first of its kind.”
R. Balki who is known for giving blockbuster movies will challenge the set gender roles defined by the society where Kareena is essaying the role of a career oriented corporate wife to Arjun who will portray the role of a filmmaker.
This newly adapted innovative strategy is something that the audience will love. Isn’t it?

Pakistani Singer Adnan Sami gets Indian Citizenship

New Delhi: Pakistani singer Adnan Sami has been granted Indian citizenship with effect from January 1 following his request to the Centre to legalise his status in the country on humanitarian grounds. Officials in the Union Home Ministry said Sami will be an Indian citizen with effect from tomorrow.
As of today, Sami is on a three-month visa extension which was given to him on October 6 by the Ministry. The 46-year-old singer, who has made India his second home for the past few years, had made a representation to the Home Ministry on May 26 this year requesting his stay in India on humanitarian grounds.
Lahore-born Sami had first arrived in India on March 13, 2001 on a visitor’s visa with the validity of one year which was issued by the Indian High Commission in Islamabad. His visa was extended from time to time. His Pakistani passport issued on May 27, 2010 expired on May 26, 2015 and his passport was not renewed by the Pakistan government which led him to approach the Indian government with the request to legalise his stay in India on humanitarian grounds.
Sami’s two songs from the album, ‘Kabhi To Nazar Milao’ and ‘Lift Karaa De’, whose music video starred actor Govinda, were a sensation in the early 2000s.
This year the singer tasted success after his song ‘Bhar Do Jholi meri’ in Salman Khan-starrer ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ was a smash hit.

मोदी ने दिल्ली-मेरठ सुपर हाइवे का किया शिलान्यास, 45 मिनट में पूरी होगी दूरी

नई दिल्ली: प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने आज दिल्ली, गाजियाबाद, नोएडा, मेरठ के लोगों को नए साल का तोहफा दिया है. मोदी ने दिल्ली-डासना- मेरठ 14 लेन के एक्सप्रेस का शिलान्यास कर ये बड़ा तोहफा दिया. मोदी ने इस मौके पर कहा कि ये हाइवे रफ्तार तो देगी, लेकिन प्रदूषण कम होगा.
खास बात ये है कि इस इस कार्यक्रम में यूपी के सीएम अखिलेश यादव शामिल नहीं हुए.
दिल्ली मेरठ एक्सप्रेस दिल्ली के निजामुद्दीन पुल से शुरू होगा. और एनएच 24 पर डासना तक जाएगा और डासना से मेरठ के लिए नया रास्ता बनेगा. एक्सप्रेसवे के बन जाने के बाद दिल्ली से मेरठ की दूरी ढाई घंटे से घंटकर 45 मिनट हो जाएगी.
डासना से एक नए रास्ते का निर्माण होगा. जो सीधे मेरठ तक जाएगा. इस एक्सप्रेस वे का काम 4 चरणों में होगा.
पहला चरण निजामुद्दीन पुल से यूपी बार्डर का होगा, दूसरा चरण – यूपी बार्डर से डासना, तीसरा चरण डासना से हापुड़ तक और चौथा चरण डासना से मेरठ का होगा. इस पूरे प्रोजेक्ट की लागत 2 हजार 809 करोड़ रुपये होगी.
14 लेन के इस एक्सप्रेस में 6 लेन का एक एक्सप्रेसवे होगा, दोनों ओर 4-4 लेन का नेशनल हाईवे होगा और साथ ही दोनों साईड एक-एक साइकिल ट्रैक भी बनाया जाएगा.
सरकार का दावा है कि ये पूरा प्रोजेक्ट ढाई साल में पूरा हो जाएगा.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

21% of country's beggars are 12th pass देश के 3.72 लाख भिखारियों में से 75,000 हैं 12वीं पास

नई दिल्ली: भारत में आप कहीं भी चले जाएं आपको भिखारी हर जगह मिल जाएंगे. 2011 की जनगणना रिपोर्ट में ”कोई रोजगार ना करने वाले और उनके शैक्षिक स्तर” का आंकड़ा हाल ही में जारी किया गया है. इसके अनुसार देश में कुल 3.72 लाख भिखारी हैं, लेकिन आप ये जानकर चौंक जाएंगे कि इनमें से बहुत सारे पढ़े लिखे हैं.
जी हां.. इन 3.72 लाख भिखारियों में से 21 फीसदी ऐसे हैं जो 12वीं तक पढ़े लिखे हैं. यही नहीं इनमें से 3000 ऐसे हैं जिनके पास किसी प्रोफेशनल कोर्स का डिप्लोमा है और बहुत सारे ग्रेजुएट और पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट हैं.
इन आंकड़ो से एक बात और सामने आई है. ये सब भिखारी अपनी पसंद से नहीं बने बल्कि शायद मजबूरी में बने हैं. इनमें से अधिकतर का कहना था कि पढ़ने लिखने के बाद अपनी डिग्री और एजुकेशनल क्वालिफिकेशन के आधार पर भी संतोषजनक नौकरी ना मिलने पर वे भिखारी बने.
52 साल के दशरथ परमार गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी से एम.कॉम की डिग्री ले चुके हैं. दशरथ पहले सरकारी नौकरी पाना चाहते थे लेकिन इस चक्कर में उनके हाथ से उनकी प्राइवेट नौकरी भी चली गई जिसके सहारे उनका परिवार गुजर बसर करता था. उनके तीन बच्चे हैं. आज दशरथ मुफ्त खाना खिलाने और दान देने वाली संस्थाओं के भरोसे जी रहे हैं. उनकी मां बीमार है और अस्पताल में भर्ती है.
45 साल के दिनेश खोधाबाई जो कि 12वीं पास हैं और अच्छी अंग्रेजी बोल लेते हैं. दिनेश बताते हैं, ‘मैं गरीब हूं पर ईमानदार हूं. मैं भीख इसलिए मांगता हूं क्योंकि इसमें नौकरी की तुलना में ज्यादा कमाई हो जाती है. मैं पहले एक अस्पताल में वार्डब्वॉय था वहां मेरी तनख्वाह 100 रूपए रोजाना ही थी, जबकि यहां मैं रोजाना 200 रूपए कमा लेता हूं.”
सिर्फ दिनेश ही नहीं उनके साथ 30 और भिखारी भी हैं जो अहमदाबाद के भद्रकाली मंदिर के पास भीख मांगते हैं. रोज सुबह भीख मांगने से पहले इनका झुंड एक जगह बैठ कर चाय पीता है. यह चाय भी एक दुकानदार उन्हें मुफ्त में पिलाता है.
मुंबई के रहने वाले अशोक जयसुर 10वीं तक पढ़े लिखे हैं लेकिन आजकल वह अहमदाबाद के लाल दरवाजा इलाके में भीख मांगते हैं. अशोक पहले सेक्योरिटी गॉर्ड थे लेकिन उनको रतौंधी थी जिसकी वजह से उनकी आंखो की रोशनी चली गई. बहुत कोशिशों के बाद भी उन्हें दूसरी नौकरी नहीं मिली फिर मजबूरी में परिवार का पेट पालने के लिए वो भीख मांगने लगे. सड़कों और गलियों में भीख मांगकर अशोक अपनी 9 बेटियों, पत्नी और अपना पेट भरते हैं.
भिखारियों के लिए काम करने वाले एक गैर सरकारी संगठन मानव साधना के बीरेन जोशी के मुताबिक, ”भिखारियों को भीख में आसानी से पैसा मिल जाता है. इसी लालच की वजह से वो भीख मांगने का काम छोड़ना नहीं चाहते.” समाजशास्त्री गौरांग जानी कहते हैं, ”जब गेजुएशन के बाद भी लोग भीख मांग रहे हैं इसका मतलब है कि देश में बेरोजगारी की समस्या बहुत गंभीर रूप ले चुकी है.”

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

How Far Would You Go Feeding India With Sex?

Though I am aware of the backlash this article might receive from the ‘modern’ reader, I won’t hold myself from writing it. So this is what happened the other day while I was exploring YouTube and looking for upcoming movies in 2016 -the trailer of Kya Kool Hai Hum 3 showed up as a suggestion. I didn’t quite realize how uncomfortable this trailer might make me till my little nephew joined me and his curious questions compelled me to shut down my laptop.
Seriously Ekta Kapoor, this is the best you could do to make your mark in movies? I would have been impressed had you come out in the open and produced a full-on porn instead of taking the safe midway and producing this soft porn in the guise of a comedy. Allow me to be honest enough and say that there is just so much hope of your brother’s career to stand strong even if he stands naked in front of the camera. You could have rather spared your family this horrendous embarrassment. The equally sub-standard dialogues and lyrics of the Kya Kool Hain Hum series are just exposing the pervert of a frustrated, sex-obsessed yet sex-deprived mind, you may call that talent if you want to, I, however, beg to differ.
But it is not just this one movie series which is overboard with sexuality to sell its tickets. Nudity has become the trend and need of the hour in the entertainment business. And to mirror this trend, nudity is fighting hard to make a strong presence felt in the real world as well. Call me old school, but I just can’t wrap my head around the entire concept of #freethenipple. The caveman graduated to civilization to bring a furtherance to its existence. One such advancement was to cover ones private body parts, and today we are revolting against this social norm to get our rights straight. Is it a fight for gender equality, or is it a fight of a handful of women to claim the right to walk around naked? The labor women building a skyscraper with a child wrapped around her waist, yet being paid lesser than the male counterpart, the girl in some remote village who is not allowed to study and is forced into a marriage she never wanted, some equally meritorious woman who is not allowed to make an identity for herself, the wife whose husband wants to abandon her because she has just given birth to the third female-child, the sister from a small town whose brothers have denied her a share in the family property provide us with graver situations calling out for gender equality, the nipple can wait to see the sunlight though.

Dilwale vs Bajirao Mastani box office collections: Deepika Padukone beats Shah Rukh Khan in India take!

Dilwale vs Bajirao Mastani box office collections: It was shocking news when it was disclosed that Bajirao Mastani has collected more money at the India box office than Dilwale on Monday, the fourth day after the release - when Dilwale earned Rs 10.09 crore and Bajirao Mastani earned Rs 10.25 crore. Everyone was feeling that Dilwale will be doing much more business than Bajirao Mastani because it looked like a festival entertainer. The tide completely turned when Bajirao Mastani took a big lead over Dilwale on Christmas holiday in India and the lead was consolidated on Saturday as well as Sunday. It is very clear now that Bajirao Mastani's box office collections in India will be more than Dilwale. So where is it that Shah Rukh Khan has made a mistake? Let us try to analyze.
The reviews of Dilwale were very mixed. Both the critics and the audience had mixed opinions. Trade sources in Bollywood feel that Shah Rukh Khan should have worked on a better product before clashing with Bajirao Mastani which had announced the release date long ago. The Red Chillies team must have thought that Eros will back out and they may get a solo release but Eros had a lot of belief in their film even though it wasn't supported by as big a star cast as Dilwale. The belief of Eros has worked in their favour. Also, Dilwale has been affected to some extent by the protests by political parties but the fact is that the mixed public opinion is harming it more. Let us accept it, the word of Bajirao Mastani is much more positive than Dilwale and nothing can beat that.
People from within Bollywood are saying that Shah Rukh Khan needs to reinvent himself now. He has been doing the same sort of films and is taking less risks. Happy New Year and Dilwale are only trying to take advantage of SRK's stardom and they are not doing anything new. While Aamir Khan always comes up with new concepts, even Salman Khan surprised everyone with Bajrangi Bhaijaan this year. Senior Trade pundits feel that it would be wise if SRK's Raees does not clash with Salman Khan's Sultan on Eid. The business will get divided again and if SRK loses that battle it will hurt his reputation badly.
Shah Rukh Khan is having nice looking ongoing projects like Fan and Raees. They will help him express himself differently but they don't look like big money making ventures. He is a big star with great fan following but he has not come close to entering Rs 300 crore club. It is time for SRK to think about his future plans and how he shall have his strategy for getting better films that also earn big money at the box office.
Also a note of caution to media houses who just on the basis of weekend number proclaimed SRK as the winner. As it has been said - Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost - the days after the weekend show true reality. That is why we did not jump to conclusions so early.
As Shah Rukh Khan rightly said - 'Kismat Badi Kutti Cheez Hai...Saali Kabhi Bhi Palat Jaati Hai'. This time luck was not on his side, hope next year it is. Last year it was a Happy New Year for him, this year isn't!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Bajirao Mastani box office collections: Deepika, Ranveer’s film earns Rs 120.45 cr in ten days

There is not stopping for the recent release of Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Priyanka Chopra's 'Bajirao Mastani' as it has crossed Rs. 100 cr mark in nine days of its release. Challenging its contemporary, 'Dilwale' starring Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol, the film has come out with flying colours at the box office.
The movie, which started on an average business has been sailing smooth so far and the second weekend which came along with an extra Christmas holiday has benefited the film. On Friday (December 2) Dilwale earned Rs. 8.11 cr while 'Bajirao Mastani' earned a 12.25 cr. There was a slight dip in the collections of the movie on Saturday (December 26) which was Rs. 10.30 cr and the Sunday (December 28) collections again went up to Rs. 11.75 cr. The total collections of Sanjay Leela Bhansali movie has gone up to Rs. 120.45 cr in India alone. (Read: Shah Rukh Khan’s Dilwale crosses Rs. 100 cr in India, Deepika’s ‘Bajirao Mastani’ picking up pace)
Trade Analyst Taran Adarsh who had earlier tweeted saying that the gap between the two has been narrowing as 'Bajirao Mastani' has picked pace in the second week, tweeted:
#BajiraoMastani continues EXCELLENT trending in Weekend 2: Fri 12.25 cr, Sat 10.30 cr, Sun 11.75 cr. Total: ₹ 120.45 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) December 28, 2015
The tables have turned. #BajiraoMastani leads, #Dilwale slows. Gap between the total narrows. #BajiraoMastani to overtake soon. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) December 26, 2015
Sanjay Leela Bhansali has once again proved his efficiency with 'Bajirao Mastani'. The film which faced bans in certain parts of the country has carved out its part and it yet going strong. With another day of this weekend, we might as well see the total collections going even higher.

Japanese PM’s Noble Gesture Which Has Won Indian Hearts

Early on Sunday morning head constable Virender Singh Yadav of the Delhi Police attached to Palam Police Station and deployed on the departure route of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was mowed down at about 3am by, an as yet unknown, speeding vehicle near Metro pillar 139. He was on his police motorbike and was to take over charge of the cavalcade’s movement. He was killed on the spot and lay on the road when a passerby informed the Delhi Police.
The incident barely got a passing mention in this mornings newspapers. But no sooner the word got back to Tokyo, in a touching gesture..
In a touching gesture the Japanese Prime Minister decided to send a bouquet of flowers and a letter of condolence to Yadav’s family.
For our VIPs, it would be just another little man dying doing his duty and not worth a second thought.
On December 13, Delhi Police constable Virendra Pratap Singh died after being hit by an unidentified vehicle in Delhi Cantt area while guarding the route that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was to take for the airport on his return to Japan. While Abe’s Indian counterpart didn’t take cognizance of it, Abe sent a bouquet of flowers and a letter of condolence to Singh’s house, claims columnist Mohan Guruswamy on his Facebook page.
Guruswamy’s post says that as soon the word reached Tokyo, the Japanese PM did what he thought was needful. The post has garnered support on social media and has been shared several hundred times. “For our VIPs it would be just another little man dying doing his duty and not worth a second thought,” he wrote.

It’s a wrap for ‘Kapoor And Sons’

Mumbai: Actors Sidharth Malhotra, Alia Bhatt and Fawad Khan have wrapped up shooting for modern family drama film “Kapoor And Sons”.
The trio says the glimpse of all the fun and frolic of Shakun Batra’s film will soon be unveiled.
Sidharth shared the news of completing the shooting for the film via a tweet that read: “#KapoorAndSons wrapped up….and coming soon @aliaa08 @_fawadakhan_ @shakunbatra @karanjohar”.

Riteish Deshmukh to be seen in Marathi film on Chhatrapati Shivaji

Mumbai: Actor Riteish Deshmukh has revealed that his next Marathi production venture would be on warrior king Chhatrapati Shivaji.
The film will be directed by National-award winning director Ravi Jadhav, who collaborated with Riteish in “Balak-Palak”. “Proud to announce that Mumbai Film Company’s @mfc #ChhatrapatiShivaji will be directed by Ravi Jadhav@meranamravi,” Riteish posted on Twitter.
In 2013, Riteish made his debut as a film producer with the Marathi success “Balak Palak” under his banner Mumbai Film Company. The following year he made his acting debut in Marathi cinema with the action film “Lai Bhaari”, which he himself produced.
The “Ek Villain” star will be next seen in “Housefull 3”, which also stars Akshay Kumar and Abhishek Bachchan.

His family has a surprise for him on his 50th Birthday -Sonakshi on Salman Khan

Mumbai: Family of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who will turn 50 tomorrow, has planned something special for the actor who has had an eventful 2015. Salman had earlier indicated that he will not be able to devote time to celebrate as he would be concentrating on his physique for his role in the upcoming sports drama film “Sultan”.
Actress Sonakshi Sinha, who had made her Bollywood debut with Salman in “Dabangg” and believed to be close to the Khan clan, revealed that his family has planned “something special” to mark the occasion.
“His family has made, done something special for him. I cannot say much as it’s a surprise. I am glad I got to be part of that surprise,” Sonakshi told PTI today.
During an interview at the time of “Prem Ratan Dhan Payo”, Salman had said, “This year I cannot afford. I would be training only. I cannot afford to have luxury (to celebrate) birthday and all. I will be highly strong. There will be lots of stuff to write this year”.
Professionally, the year has been a major success for the star as both his on-screen outings “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” and “Prem Ratan Dhan Payo” were massive hits.
While being exonerated by Bombay High Court in the 2002 hit-and-run case has been a relief for the actor. 2015 also brought controversy for Salman.
The “Dabangg” star posted a series of tweets suggesting 1993 Mumbai serial blasts convict Yakub Memon was innocent and should not be hanged for the acts of his brother Tiger.
The actor apologised after his comments evoked protests

Karan Johar to launch Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan!

In an interview with a leading daily, Karan Johar said that he will launch Shah Rukh’s elder son Aryan Khan. Karan was asked what he felt about the other Bollywood actors feeling alienated by him as he works extensively with SRK to which he quoted, “I don’t think so. Working with SRK was and is something that I always cherish. I feel whenever there are two people who are strong and close to each other, there is a section of people who are never happy with their closeness. Shah Rukh is beyond family to me. In fact, my equation with him has moved from him to his kids now. I always tell him, ‘I am going to maintain my youth quotient only because I want to launch Aryan (Shah Rukh’s son). No one else can launch Aryan but me (smiles).

New Delhi: धांधली कैसे हुई, कौन शामिल, कितने का भ्रष्टाचार? सभी सवाल के जवाब

नई दिल्ली: दिल्ली का ऑटो परमिट घोटाला केजरीवाल सरकार के लिए गले की फांस बनता नजर आ रहा है. 10 हजार नए ऑटो परमिट जारी करने में 25 हजार से सवा लाख रुपये तक की घूस मांगने के इस मामले में बीजेपी मुख्यमंत्री केजरीवाल और परिवहन मंत्री गोपाल राय से इस्तीफा मांग रही है. अनुमान है कि ये घोटाला ढाई से पांच करोड़ रुपये तक हो सकता है.
ईमानदार और साफसुथरी सरकार देने का वादा करके सत्ता में आई दिल्ली की केजरीवाल सरकार एक साल के भीतर ही सबसे बड़े घोटाले के आरोप में घिर गई है. घोटाला हुआ है दिल्ली में परिवहन विभाग से 10 हजार नए ऑटो परमिट जारी करने में. आरोप ये है कि 23 दिसंबर से अब तक जारी किए गए 932 एलओआई यानी लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट में नियमों की अनदेखी की गई और मनमाने लेटर जारी करने के लिए घूस ली गई है.
इसी साल जनवरी में नए ऑटो परमिट के लिए आवेदन मांगे गए. नियम ये था कि आवेदन के क्रम में लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट जारी किया जाएगा. लेकिन अब तक जारी 932 लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट में मनमाने तरीके से बांटे गए. ऑटो चालकों की बजाए डीलरों और दलालों को भी लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट दिया गया. कई फर्जी पतों पर लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट जारी कर दिया गया.
क्या है लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट?
लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट वो दस्तावेज है जिसकी मदद से ऑटो चालकों को नए ऑटो के लिए लोन मिलता है लेकिन दिल्ली के परिवहन विभाग में हुए फर्जीवाड़े की वजह से ऑटो चालकों को या तो दलालों और डीलरों से ब्लैक में लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट लेना पड़ रहा है या फिर दोगुना पैसा देकर लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट वाला नया ऑटो खरीदने को मजबूर होना पड़ रहा है.
एसएमएस के जरिए इस भ्रष्टाचार की शिकायत मुख्यमंत्री केजरीवाल तक पहुंचने के बाद परिवहन विभाग के डिप्टी कमिश्नर एस रॉय बिस्वास, इंस्पेक्टर मनीष पुरी और क्लर्क अनिल यादव को सस्पेंड कर दिया गया है.
विपक्ष अब केजरीवाल सरकार के कामकाज पर ही सवाल उठा रहा है. बीजेपी का कहना है कि जिस केजरीवाल ने ईमानदारी की कसम खाई थी उनकी नाक के नीचे पड़ा है गरीब ऑटो चालकों की जेब पर डाका. बीजेपी मुख्यमंत्री और परिवहन मंत्री का इस्तीफा मांग रही है.
अब तक जारी 932 लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट को कैंसिल कर दिया गया है और मामले की जांच विजिलेंस विभाग से करवाई जा रही है लेकिन विपक्ष सवाल पूछ रहा है कि क्या दिल्ली की केजरीवाल सरकार ईमानदारी का नारा भूल चुकी है.
धांधली कैसे हुई?
आखिर दिल्ली सरकार में नए ऑटो परमिट बांटने में धांधली हुई तो कैसे. आरोप ये है कि जो प्रक्रिया कंप्यूटराइज्ड होनी चाहिए थी उसे कर्मचारियों के हाथ में इसलिए दे दिया गया ताकि पैसे बनाए जा सकें. इस धांधली का तरीका देखकर आप चौंक जाएंगे.
दिल्ली के ऑटो परमिट घोटाले की जड़ में है लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट. यानी नए परमिट के लिए दिल्ली सरकार की हरी झंडी और इसे बैंक या फाइनेंसर को दिखाने के बाद ही किसी ऑटो चालक को नए ऑटो के लिए लोन मिल सकता है. इसी अहम दस्तावेज को जारी करने में हुआ है घोटाला.
कौन-कौन शामिल और कितने का भ्रष्टाचार?
इस घोटाले में शामिल हैं ट्रांसपोर्ट विभाग के कर्मचारी, दलाल और डीलर-फाइनेंसर. इन तीनों के गठजोड़ से नए ऑटो परमिट के लिए लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट जारी करने में करीब 5 करोड़ रुपये का भ्रष्टाचार हुआ है.
ट्रांसपोर्ट कर्मचारियों की भूमिका ये है कि उन्होंने नियमों को ताक पर रख दिया और बिना आवेदन क्रम के ही मनमाने तरीके से जिसे चाहा उसे लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट जारी कर दिया.
इसके बाद आता है दलालों का नंबर– ट्रांसपोर्ट विभाग से दलालों को भी लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट दिया गया. ऐसे में दलालों ने उन आवेदनकर्ताओं से संपर्क किया जिन्हें लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट जारी नहीं किया गया था.
कितनी है नए ऑटो की कीमत और कितनी चुकानी पड़ रही थी?
दरअसल एक नए ऑटो की कीमत कुल 1 लाख 75 हजार रुपये है. लेकिन लेटर ऑफ इंटरेस्ट के लिए 25 हजार रुपये की घूस मांग रहे थे दलाल, यही नहीं अगर लेटर समेत नया ऑटो चाहिए तो 2 लाख 90 हजार की मांग की जा रही थी यानी 1 लाख 15 हजार रुपये की घूस. घूस की मोटी रकम चुकाने में ऑटोवालों को परेशानी ना हो इसका इंतजाम किया डीलरों और फाइनेंसरों ने. रिजर्व बैंक के मुताबिक दिल्ली में 50 से 60 डीलर ही ऐसे हैं जिन्हें ऑटो लोन देने की इजाजत है. ये डीलर करीब 800 एजेंटों के जरिए काम करते हैं.
एजेंटों ने लेटर समेत हर ऑटो के लिए दो फाइलें बनानी शुरू कर दीं. पहली फाइल 1 लाख 75 हजार के लोन की यानी ऑटो की असली कीमत की थी. इसकी किस्तें ऑटो लेने वाले शख्स को चेक से चुकानी थी. लेकिन घूस की रकम को जोड़कर एक दूसरी कच्ची फाइल भी बनाई गई. इस फाइल के हिसाब से बची हुई रकम पर 16 से 20 फीसदी ब्याज दरें लगाई गईँ. इसकी किस्तें नगद जमा करने की सुविधा भी दी जा रही थी.
कुल मिलाकर एक बड़ा जाल रचा गया था जिसके जरिए ऑटो चालकों को नए परमिट के लिए लूटा जा रहा था.

Porn star Rocco Siffredi offers to teach sex in Italy's schools

Porn star Rocco Siffredi, known as the "Italian stallion", has launched a petition demanding sex education become mandatory in Italy's schools and offered himself up as a teacher.
"I wanted to launch this appeal because sex is a magnificent thing," he wrote on the website that began collecting signatures on Tuesday.
"I put forth my name and my experience, I make myself fully available to go into Italian schools and personally promote this initiative," the 51-year-old added.
Despite efforts stretching back over a century and dozens of legislative proposals, sex education is not part of the curriculum in Italy's schools.
The petition on, addressed to Italian Education Minister Stefania Giannini, had gathered some 21,600 supporters by Wednesday.
"Pornography should be entertainment, but due to lacking alternatives, it has become a means to learn, especially for young people," he said.
"I have been doing my work for 30 years and I have acquired enough experience to guarantee that what I do is not sex education," he added.

Biopic on Sanjay Dutt likely to release in Christmas 2017

Mumbai: Filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani’s upcoming biopic on actor Sanjay Dutt is likely to release during the festive season in 2017.
Hirani’s debut film “Munnabhai MBBS” was released on December 19, 2003, while his last two blockbusters, 2009 comedy “3 Idiots” and last year’s “PK” were released on December 25 and December 19, respectively.
When asked if the biopic will follow the suit and release during Christmas, Hirani told PTI, “We will begin shooting mid next year, roughly around June. So yeah, (the film will release) roughly around that time only. It will take that much time, one-one and a half years, so yes.”
The biopic stars actor Ranbir Kapoor in the titular role and will touch upon every aspect of Dutt’s life – from the age of 17 till present. The 53-year-old filmmaker says he has finished the first draft of the movie and is “waiting to progress” with it. Ranbir will beef up to essay the role of Dutt but Hirani says they have not decided just how much weight the “Tamasha” actor will gain.
“We haven’t started work in terms of all that. We are right now at the scripting stage. Once we get into production then all those details will come in.” Dutt, 56, is lodged at the Yerwada prison in Pune where he is serving the five-year sentence for possession of illegal arms and ammunition in connection with the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts case.

I have never been fascinated by Bollywood: Sid Mallya

Mumbai: Sid Mallya, son of business mogul Vijay Mallya, who is all set to make his acting debut in independent filmmaker Qaushiq Mukherjee’s film “Brahman Naman”, is not fascinated by the Bollywood industry.
“I have never been fascinated by Bollyood, but I have always been fascinated by acting. It’s something that I always wanted to do and I am happy I could do it. Bollywood is something I cannot relate to,” Sid told IANS.
“It’s a fantastic industry it has got some fantastic performers but not something I can really relate to or be a part of,” he added.
“Brahman Naman” will be premiering and competing in the WWorld Cinema Dramatic Competition at the Sundance Film Festival in 2016.
Sid says that while he “does not look down upon” the Bollywood industry, he has “respect” and admiration for the films.
“I don’t look down upon it; it’s an absolutely booming industry, but not too many films I watch because I don’t speak Hindi. I don’t watch them but, I feel what they do is incredible and I have utmost respect for them. I admire what they do,” he added.
Sid also said that he cannot do song and dance films.
“A three hour Bollywood film where I am dancing it’s not going to happen because I can’t dance,” he said.
About the film’s director Mukherjee (popularly known as Q), who is mostly known for his controversial cult film “Gandu”, Sid said: “Q is the sort of guy I wanted to work with. He is unique, he is the kind of person who is going to push the creative boundary.”
“Too many people are interested in playing safe one thing I liked about him is that he is not interested in paying safe,” he added.
Sid said that Mukherjee would never become a “Bollywood mainstream director” because he is “not about singing and dancing.”
“‘Gandu’ may have not been everyone’s cup of tea, but internally in festivals it was great. That’s why I feel Q would never be a Bollywood mainstream director because he is not about singing and dancing he wants to push the boundaries and be creative,” he added.
The plot of “Brahman Naman” is centered on the quizzers scene in India in the early eighties. It is a smart teen comedy in the vein of the British film “The Inbetweeners” from 2011. Shashank Arora of “Titli” fame plays the character of Naman whereas Sid will be seen in a supporting role in “Brahman Naman”.

Sunny Leone is stunning: Priyanka

Mumbai: Actress Priyanka Chopra, who will next be seen in Prakash Jha’s forthcoming film “Jai Gangaajal”, says that standing next to the former Indo-Canadian adult film star Sunny Leone makes her look “bad” as the latter is “stunning”.
“I love how things ar sensationalised out of context! Standing and taking pics with Sunny Leone makes me look bad cause she is stunning! Lol!” Priyanka tweeted on Friday night.
Earlier this week it was reported that the “Quantico” star did not wish to be photographed with the “Jism 2” actress.
Sunny, who is prepping up for director Milap Zaveri’s upcoming sex-comedy “Mastizaade”, where she will perform a double role, said she “feels the same” about Priyanka.
“I feel the same about you darling,” Sunny told Priyanka in a tweet. “Media can be mean sometimes. They just wish it was them taking pics with you. Lol xoxo.”

Friday, December 25, 2015

Shah Rukh Khan’s Dilwale enters 100 cr club, Deepika-Ranveer’s ‘Bajirao Mastani’ picking up pace

Shah Rukh Khan's Dilwale, which released with Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh starrer Bajirao Mastani, has collected a whopping Rs. 102.65 cr in its first week. While SRK's movie has entered into the coveted 100 crore club, Sanjay Leela Bhansali's magnum opus has collected Rs. 86.15 cr in its first week.
Read: Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Dilwale’ earns Rs. 102.65 cr
Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh's Bajirao Mastani, which had a slow start at the box office, picked up pace over the weekend thanks to the strong and positive word of mouth. Bajirao Mastani's collections registered a jump on weekdays while Shah Rukh Khan-Kajol's Dilwale had an upper hand on weekend.
See Pics: Dilwale, Bajirao Mastani, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, Tamasha: Top 10 movies of 2015
Bajirao Mastani and Dilwale, which have been going head strong at the box office, had witnessed a growth in their collections over the weekend, but Monday (December 22) collections have come as a surprise as SRK's undefeated 'Dilwale' has been overpowered by the collections of 'Bajirao Mastani'. (Read review of Bajirao Mastani )
See Pics: Dilwale, Bajirao Mastani, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo – Highest opening weekend grossers of 2015
The collections of 'Dilwale' declined by 50 per cent on Monday, whereas 'Bajirao Mastani's collections went down by mere 10 - 15 per cent. The figures of 'Bajirao Mastani's collections were ahead of Dilwale for the first time on Monday and were almost similar on Tuesday.
'Bajirao Mastnai' earned Rs. 10.25 cr on Monday and Rs. 9.40 cr on Tuesday, whereas 'Dilwale' made Rs 10.09 cr on Monday and Tuesday collections were Rs. 9.42cr. (Read review of Dilwale)
Trade Analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted:
#BajiraoMastani is SUPER on weekdays. Fri 12.80 cr, Sat 15.52 cr, Sun 18.45 cr, Mon 10.25 cr, Tue 9.40 cr. Total: ₹ 66.42 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) December 23, 2015
#Dilwale Fri 21 cr, Sat 20.09 cr, Sun 24 cr, Mon 10.09 cr, Tue 9.42 cr. Total: ₹ 84.60 cr. India biz. STEADY!
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) December 23, 2015
Rohit Shetty's film is also doing good overseas. The total collections of both the films still puts Bajirao Mastani in the second position.
The overall collections of 'Dilwale' in India are Rs. 84.60 cr, and 'Bajirao Mastani' has earned Rs. 66.42 cr.
Rohit Shetty recently said that it was not 'Bajirao Mastani' that affected the film but the people calling a ban on the movie did.

These 9 dresses reveal more than they cover! Almost naked!

Dresses are meant to cover the body. Some dresses reveal more than what they cover. They are fancy and the one wearing them make their own fashion statement. You need to be bold enough to wear the following outfits, at least in India. Also Check- One Piece Five Ways: Transforming Your Little Black Dress.
These outfits are tight and short enough that they end up revealing more than covering up. It is obvious such kind of dress are bound to catch eyeballs and yes people noticed these ‘strange’ clothes so eventually they were captured. Check out these nine dresses that are sure to raise the temperature out there. Almost naked we Say!

5 shocking pics of Bollywood stars kissing in public

1). Hrithik Roshan and Sussanne:
Hrithik and Sussanne might have divorced, but their’s was a fairy tale romance. Initially when the rumours of their separation were all over media, Hrithik Roshan denied the news as baseless. As if to prove his point, a picture of Hrithik kissing his wife Sussanne at an ice cream parlour in the US was published
2). Kareena and Bipasha:
When Kareena and Bipasha worked togetehr for the first time, things were bitter between them. They engaged in blame-game and mud-slinging and always maintained their distance after that. But years later at a film awards announcement event, the two kissed and made up
3). Ronaldo and Bipasha
In 2007, reports of all not being well between John Abraham and Bipasha Basu had started doing the rounds. Suddenly then this picture of Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo kissing Bipasha was all over the place. Bipasha later said that she was a just a fan of the footballer and the picture is captured during a party.
4). Richard Gere and Shilpa Shetty
Shilpa Shetty created furore after this incident in 2007. In an event in New Delhi in Richard Gere and Shilpa shared the dais for their AIDS awareness campaign and he kissed her on the cheek several times in jest.
5). Mika and Rakhi Sawant
The most infamous among all kisses. Singer Mika had thrown a birthday bash in 2006, and Rakhi was one of the guests. In the midst of the celebrations, Mika grabbed Rakhi and smooched her. This led to a major controversy and both kept of blaming each other for years.

Pregnant Anne Hathaway works out in gym

New York, Dec 16: Actress Anne Hathaway, who is expecting her first child with husband Adam Shulman, was spotted doing a high-energy workout at a gym here.
“She spent over an hour on the cardio equipment looking as beautiful as ever,” a source told the New York Post’s Page Six column, reports
Once the actress gives birth, she isn’t planning on rushing back to the gym to get her post-baby body back.
“Anne wants to be healthy and because she doesn’t want to rush back into a film role, she’s not going to put herself under pressure to slim quickly. She does yoga every day and eats mainly organic food, although she has been tempted by bagels and doughnuts recently to combat morning sickness,” a source had shared earlier.
“The Princess Diaries” actress may have more time for the gym after the birth of her little one as she is also said to be planning to “take a break from Hollywood” following the baby’s arrival.
“Anne can’t wait to be a mum. She’s been wanting it for a long time and waited until the right time to take a break from Hollywood. She feels she’s achieved so much already, it’s time to take a break from acting. She’s told friends she wants to put her career on the back burner for a while and concentrate on being a full-time mum,” the source added.

Kim Kardashian blasts ‘bad mother’ Kris Jenner

Los Angeles, Dec 16: Reality TV star Kim Kardashian blasted Kris Jenner after the matriarch said Khloe Kardashian’s troubled ex-husband Lamar Odom deserves a second chance.
In “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” scenes shot before the former NBA star was found unconscious at a Nevada brothel in October, Kris begins to meddle in the pair’s strained relationship despite Khloe making it clear she’s determined to move on, reports
She even changed her phone number to prevent him from getting in touch, but Kris still passed it on.
“You just have a sentimental thing with Lamar, and at some point, you have to get over it,” Kim told Kris in the preview clip after finding out she’d been speaking to Lamar.
“Okay, but you weren’t going to give me the benefit of the doubt. I always want what’s best for my daughters,” the 60-year-old replied.
However, an unimpressed Kim hit back at Kris, saying: “Her talking to Lamar and you saying Lamar deserves a second chance – that is so wrong and that’s being a bad mother.”
Earlier last month, Khloe spoke out against Lamar in an explicit Twitter rant after fans accused her of not “honouring” her wedding vows.

“I am fan of ‘Star Wars” says Aamir Khan

Mumbai: Superstar Aamir Khan says he is a big fan of “Star Wars” film. Directed by J J Abrams “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is an American epic space opera film. The seventh installment in the main “Star Wars” film series is all set to hit cinemas on December 25 in India.
“I am fan of ‘Star Wars’. I am excited about the film. I am keen to watch the film. All the best to the team. May the force be with you,” Aamir told reporters here accompanied by his director wife Kiran Rao and daughter Ira.
Aamir is presently shooting for his next film “Dangal”.

PICS: Aamir Khan turns Santa Claus for kids at home

Aamir Khan held an Annual Christmas Party at his home on Thursday and it was the superstar himself who got into the ‘Santa Claus’ get up for the kids in the party.
Aamir shared a few pictures on Facebook where he’s seen having a good time with the kids, distributing them sweets.
Aamir looked really sweet and warm in that white beard, the hat and the red Santa suit.
Aamir’s Facebook post read, “Just finished playing Santa at home for all the kids atour Annual Christmas Party. Merry Christmas everyone. Love. a.”

Now, a film on Mohammed Rafi’s life

Mumbai: A film is being made on late Bollywood playback singer Mohammed Rafi, his son Shahid Rafi said on Thursday.
On Rafi’s 91st birth anniversary where his biography “Mohammed Rafi – Golden Voice Of The Silver Screen” was launched, Shahid Rafi said a film was being made on his father by a filmmaker from Kerala.
“There is a person from Kerala and he is making a film on my father. There is a very big fan… a very old person from Kerala. He was touched by my father and the director is making a film on Rafi saab with this person,” he said.
He said the producer approached him to act in the film.
“I said I have never acted but he said ‘you look like your father and we are going to make you like Rafi saab’. So, next month I am going to Kerala for the shoot,” he said.

AIRLIFT 2ND SONG OUT: Groove with Akshay and Nimrat on ‘Dil Cheez Tujhe Dedi’

The second song from Akshay Kumar and Nimrat Kaur’s ‘Airlift’ released today. Singers Annkit Tiwari and Arijit Singh have lent their voice to this peppy song.

DDCA विवाद में केजरीवाल के जांच कमीशन को एलजी नजीब जंग ने अवैध बताया

नई दिल्ली: अब एक बार फिर दिल्ली के सीएम अरविंद केरजरीवाल और लेफ्टिनेट गर्वरनर नजीब जंग में ठनती दिख रही है. नजीब जंग ने डीडीसीए (दिल्ली एंड डिस्ट्रिक क्रिकेट एसोसिएशन) के घोटाले की जांच के लिए गठित जांच आयोग को गैरकानूनी और अमान्य करार दिया है. रविवार को केजरीवाल ने इस आयोग के गठन का एलान किया था
नजीब जंग ने केंद्र सरकार को लिखा है कि केजरीवाल ने ऐसे जांच आयोग के गठन के लिए उनसे इजाजत नहीं ली है.
सूत्रों के मुताबिक नजीब जंग ने कहा है कि कमीशन ऑफ इनक्वायरी एक्ट 1952 के मुताबिक सिर्फ केंद्र और राज्य की सरकारों को ही कमीशन गठन करने का अधिकार है. दिल्ली एक केंद्र शासित राज्य है, इसलिए केजरीवाल के लिए ये जरूरी है कि वे उप राज्यपाल के जरिए केंद्र से इसकी इजाजत लें.
हालांकि, केजरीवाल ने दावा किया कि दिल्ली सरकार को कमिशन गठन करने का अधिकार है.
आपको बता दें कि दिल्ली सरकार ने पूर्व सॉलिसिटर जनरल गोपाल सुब्रमण्यम की अध्यक्षता में एक जांच आयोग गठित करने की अधिसूचना जारी की है, जिसे डीडीसीए में 1992 से 2015 तक के घोटाले की जांच करने का काम दिया गया है. आयोग से कहा गया कि वे अपनी रिपोर्ट तीन महीने के भीतर दें.
आम आदमी पार्टी ने केंद्रीय वित्त मंत्री अरुण जेटली पर डीडीसीए में भ्रष्टाचार का आरोप लगाया है. गौरतलब है कि जेटली 13 वर्षो तक डीडीसीए के अध्यक्ष रहे. इस मुद्दे पर बीजेपी के सांसद कीर्ति आजाद भी आम आदमी पार्टी के साथ हैं. कीर्ति आजाद को ये मुद्दा उठान पर पार्टी से निलंबित कर दिया गया है.

चंद मिनट में लाहौर पहुंचेंगे मोदी, स्वागत के लिए एयरपोर्ट पहुंचे नवाज़ शरीफ

काबुल: प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी चंद मिनट बाद लाहौर पहुंचने वाले हैं. मोदी कुछ देर पहले काबुल से लाहौर के लिए रवाना हुए हैं. मोदी की