


Monday, December 21, 2015

Narendra Modi Govt’s LED Plan Cuts Peak Load By 145 MW, Saves Rs 61 Lakh Daily

The Modi government’s decision to replace less efficient CFL bulbs with LED bulbs at discounted prices has reduced Delhi’s peak load by 145 MW, saving an estimated 61 lakhs daily on power bills.
The campaign called Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme (DELP) was announced by the PM on January 5 this year. Since its launch in June, some 43 lakh bulbs have been distributed among 11 lakh households in Delhi alone. The total savings made in the capital so far amount to 1.5 million units per day.
The scheme will be closed on December 31.
According to statistics available with the Energy Efficiency Services Limited, the agency which implemented the scheme, there has also been a daily reduction in the greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to 1,259 tonne of CO2 in Delhi. Under the DELP scheme, the government aims at distributing 6 crore LED bulbs. So far, they have distributed 3.88 crore bulbs, which had brought down the country wide demand by 1,292MW, bringing about a saving of Rs. 5,000 crore.

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